Thursday, January 17, 2008

Think carefully before asking questions

The mother thought her daughter should have a comprehensive checkup before starting kindergarten. She made an appointment with an eminent psychologist to examine the youngster for any possible abnormal tendencies. Among the questions, the man of science asked, "Are you a boy or a girl?" "A boy," the little girl answered. Somewhat startled, the psychologist tried again. "When you grow up, are you going to be a woman or a man?" "A man", the little girl answered. On the way home, the mother asked, "Why did you make such strange replies to what the psychologist asked?" In a serious tone, the little girl replied, "He asked such silly questions, I thought he wanted silly answers!" (Krueger & Casey, 2000)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's absolutely true!! B careful in asking questions, particularly in surveys.